Letters to My Parents for their 50th Anniversary from Their Friends

As with many of our dearest friends, we met your mom and dad through our children and theirs.  My first memory of Jim and Joanne arises from our summers of the 1970s and ‘80s spent at the Canal Woods swimming pool.  There we watched Jim play volleyball with Laura, many adults and kids of all ages, and you.  The games were always fun, competitive in a friendly way, and supportive of all who played.  We came to know Joanne while lounging beside the pool, or in it, especially during the adult swims.  From our very first encounter with each of them, we knew that they were loving parents and kind and considerate to everyone with whom they came into contact, and fun to be with.

We came to know them even better through Asbury Methodist Church.  For many years we were in the Lounge Sunday-School Class together.  Joanne could always be counted on for fascinating references to timely as well as timeless books on any subject, religious or secular.  Your dad was famous for thoughtful, often controversial comments from the worlds of science, current events, politics, or history.  The incident that I remember best from those years occurred when we were studying the Myers-Briggs personality typology.  We had all taken the Myers-Briggs test to determine our personality types.  Your mom had tested out as a strong introvert.  After the morning’s session had ended and it was time to head to the sanctuary for worship, one of the other members of the class, who had been revealed to have a personality that was fascinated with data and information and was very precise, came up to your mom and said, “Joanne, tell me exactly what it’s like to be an introvert.”  Your mom replied, “I can’t.”  That exchange spoke volumes about their two personalities.

Our most intimate contact with Jim and Joanne has occurred during the last 20 years.  With Phil and Rue Johnson, we began meeting approximately once a month at one of our three homes.  The evenings begin (we’re still going strong with them) at 6:00 with a delicious supper to which each couple contributes, the hosts providing the main course and the other two couples supplying salad, bread, and dessert.  The supper conversation always begins — voluntarily, not by any formal arrangement — with each couple updating the other two on the doings of their children and grandchildren.

Over the last several years, we have come to learn of and admire other aspects of your parents’ character.  We have marveled at their strength as they have faced up to cancer, dengué fever, and a broken shoulder.  We have witnessed Joanne’s work in the community at Wor-Wic Community College and the Wicomico Public Library, for which she was recognized as a 2014 Adult Luminary by Salisbury’s Public Access Channel.  And we admire and are grateful for Jim’s work as an election official and as a mentor to Linsky (spelling?), his elementary-school protégé.  Thank you again, Jeff, for conceiving and organizing this appropriate gift to your parents, and for the role you have played in introducing us to two of our dearest friends. Happy fiftieth anniversary to them, and happy Thanksgiving to all of you,

Lee and Linda May (friends)

Joanne and Jim have been our friends since the kids were little. Bringing up kids is hard work and the fact that the kids have turned out so well says a lot about the parenting that was provided! The Doyles’ marriage has stood the test of time–and of child-rearing! Our lives are richer because we share them with Joanne and Jim. They share many of our interests and our values. They are our cherished friends; our fellow travelers along our spiritual path. We are grateful for their presence in our lives.

Phil and Rue Johnson (friends)

Joanne and Jim, you have been our very dear friends for nearly 40 years.  Fond memories of duplicate bridge, Labor Day weekends in Shenandoah National Park, Boy Scout adventures and many family trips.  We so admire your dedication to your family and friends and also the love and commitment that you have for each other.  Joanne, you diagnosed Dengue Fever before the professionals!  And we so admire the way you have supported each other and successfully overcome your very serious illnesses. Congratulations! 

Joan and George (friends)

To Jim and Joanne on Your Golden Anniversary,

Opposites attract, to wit Jim and Joanne:

  • She Introverted        He Extroverted
  • She Taking it on faith     He Believing it when seeing it
  • She Restrained      He Unleashed
  • She Politically aware, reserved      He Politically passionate w/out reservations
  • She Nutritionally conscientious     He See-food eat-food corrupt
  • She Wilma        He Fred Flintstone                 

But for attraction to extend to 50 years of marriage, She vs. He becomes They:

  1. They      True to their principles, whether personal or professional
  2. They      Committed to parenthood (and grandparenthood), witness Jeff and Laura and their families
  3. They      Strong in the face of adversity, having faced cancer more than once
  4. They      Devoted to bettering their communities through for example, Scouting, mentoring, volunteering in service to their church, colleges, city, and county
  5. They      Compassionate in their many acts of kindness for friends, just one example being specific activities that aided our son Ford
  6. They      Intellectually curious, supportive of lifelong learning for themselves and others, whether reading, taking courses, or helping promote the Association for Lifelong Learning
  7. They      Nature-loving, appreciative of the natural beauty of this world in everything from their walks to travels in exotic places
  8. They      Reliable, always there for family and friends, to lend an ear or a helping hand
  9. They      Loveable, by their words and deeds

After knowing your for over 20 years, we’re so grateful to have such true, committed, strong, devoted, compassionate, intellectually curious, nature-loving, reliable, and loveable people in our lives who serve as a beacon of what’s really at the core of a good 50-year marriage. Here’s to you, Joanne and Jim! Love,

Frankie and Frank (friends)

Dear Joanne and Jim,

On this day, your 50th wedding anniversary and Thanksgiving Day, I am pleased to share with you what your friendship through the years has meant to me and to thank you for the gift of that friendship. What you have given to me and taught me by example are likely the kinds of things that have given the two of you the wonderful enduring relationship that you celebrate today.

I first met you, Joanne, in November of 1980, when I began working at the public library. In 1990, when I was looking for a house to buy, you told me about the house for sale on your street, the house I bought within a few months and have lived in ever since.

Through the years, we have enjoyed conversations about politics and people, spirituality and religion, life and death, and everything else in between. We have done many things together–shoveled snow, watched movies, given each other rides here or there, gone to community concerts, attended church on Christmas Eve and other times, worked out at the gym, taken classes, and a myriad of other things that neighbors and friends do.

When things in my life began to fall apart (as it felt), from the loss of my job at the library, to the illness and death of both of my parents within two years of each other, to the electrical fire that devastated both my house and my sense of personal safety and security, both of you, Jim and Joanne, were there for me with every difficult step I took, and sometimes, when I could not take a single step on my own, you took them for me or with me. You checked on me, fed me, comforted me, included me in things you did, both together and individually. You made me feel cared for and not alone at a time when my life had become one loss after another.

The caring, understanding, compassion, patience, persistence, positivity, faith, and just plain human kindness you have shown me throughout the years, during good times and bad, are the same ones I have seen demonstrated year in, year out, in your own relationship. The two of you have dealt with many trials of your own, especially health ones. You have faced all of it with courage, strength, a fighting spirit, positive attitudes, and unwavering faith in and love for each other. To those of us who look on, it is clear that the core of your strength is the relationship you have created and the people you have come to be because of that union.

A few months ago, I was driving home from somewhere, turning the corner of our street, and I saw the two of you, returning from a walk, standing on the sidewalk in front of the school, looking together at the sky, at the beautiful sunset . . . holding hands. I will always remember that image. It expresses, like a song or a poem or a photograph, the essence of who you are together. I wish you many blessings on this, your 50th anniversary, and I am deeply thankful, on this Thanksgiving Day, for the gift of your friendship. Love to you both.

Rosemary (friend)

When I first got to know Jim and Joanne, I learned right away that these are people who take their commitments seriously.  That was over 30 years ago, so naturally, their family was their first priority, but through the years, they have chosen to also make a positive impact on their neighborhood and greater community.  With full hearts they have set out to do good, touching many lives in the process, including mine and my children’s.  Somehow, the Universe brought these two fine people together, and since it takes more than good luck and serendipity to keep a relationship alive, Jim and Joanne forged a successful strategy for keeping their marriage strong that I witnessed every day and can be narrowed down into two simple rules:  Never stop laughing and Be kind to each other. I know you know how wonderful you both are. Love always,

Kathy Wieland (friend)

Jim and Joanne,

My Jim and I belong to this very special club you are just entering and are happy to welcome you.  Seems as though you are beginning your 50th year in a particularly nice way and wish you all the best.  I have enjoyed knowing you, Joanne, through a library summer book club and now through the Great Books Discussion group; we also get to see your Jim occasionally in and around the SU campus.  Enjoy your trip to Texas and all that goes with that celebrate wonderfully a very special occasion for you both!! Love,

Cora and Jim (friends)

Dear Joanne and Jim,

It is a delight to see couples such as you with long, happy, committed marriages. What an achievement, and what an example for your children and for us all! Weldon and I are both very happy for you and wish you a wonderful 50th anniversary as well as many more years of wedded bliss. “There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.” Homer Fondly,

Dayle (friend)

Congratulations, Joanne and Jim!  I have only known you a short time, and I am very glad that I am getting to know you better. Joanne, you are a vital part of our Poetry Group and bring many fresh insights to our discussion of the poems.  Jim, I’m glad you were able to join us several times, and I hope you will consider coming soon again.  Enjoy your time with your family in Texas this week.  Most important, have a fabulous 50th Anniversary celebration on Thursday!

Kathleen Winter (friend)

Jim and Joanne,

As you know, Paul and I are new to this country, here just ten years. We have known you about 7 of those years. As a couple, you are wonderfully in true love. That we admire, for sure. You enjoy each other’s company; that is so obvious. You love their children and grandchildren and are so proud of them. Both of you have had your health issues to deal with. And your faith and love has been a big part of you both recovering from severe illnesses. We also see you are not taking for granted your recoveries. You are both living life thankful that you have been given second chances. We don’t see this often. It is so wonderful to watch you be happy together!  Happy 50th Anniversary, Jim and Joanne!  No couple deserves this more than you guys! Hugs,

Paul and Michele (friends)

Tom and I have been so glad to get to know you both as part of both poetry, Great Books, and ALL.  Although our friendship is more recent than many, I’m sure, we have been impressed with your marriage relationship: you both have so many activities individually and  support each other on your individual interests.  In addition, on the really important issues of life such as health, you work together so well!  Hope you have a fantastic 50th! 

Anne and Tom Matey (friends)

Finding Joanne and Jim Doyle in Salisbury was one of the best things that happened when I returned to Salisbury after being away for 50 years. Their caring for others makes our community a better place.  For Joanne’s help for newcomers, her dedicated work for organizations, her insightful comments in discussions, her encyclopedic knowledge of literature, her courage and good cheer, I am grateful, but most of all for her friendship.

Page Austin (friend)

I enjoy Jim and Joanne.  I enjoy many things about them – their humor, forthrightness, intellect, curiosity, enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, etc, etc. What I appreciate the most is their comfortable directness.  They are not constrained by silly artifice or false concerns about hurting feelings.  Their directness is not off putting – it is obviously just done in an attempt to gain fuller understanding of a situation or subject, or to let one know where they stand on an issue or subject. 

Not long ago they were in the office, and we were talking about issues such as wills, estate planning, etc.  Their easy, almost light hearted, comfort discussing death (both with each other and with me) sort of took me aback at first.  But their manner allowed me to quickly get over it, and we had a productive discussion. Once they’d left I realized how “healthy” they were on the subject, and promised myself to remember this session when dealing with other clients. Happy 50th anniversary Jim and Joanne!!

Bruce Robson (friend)

“The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time” Lawrence Durrell

Not only time, which Jim and Joanne have certainly demonstrated, but to living through the adversity of dual cancers. Reaching 50 years together through all that certainly shows us that love has triumphed! Love,

Marion and Don Winslow (friends)

To Jim and Joanne Doyle: Congratulations, to two of the finest people we know, on fifty years together!   

Dick & Marion Keenan (friends)

Dear Jim and Joanne,

What an amazing milestone you are celebrating!  Fifty years!  When we first met, Jeff and Laura were still single….all the precious grandchildren were sweet dreams for the future. Over the years, your family has grown and all have watched and admired your strength.  When I simply mention your names to the grandkids here, the cutest smiles appear.  You have loved them so beautifully, in spite of health crises and distance.  Only in their own later years will they understand how much it took in terms of energy and love for you to devote quality time to them.

I have personal memories of a great Thanksgiving at my house a few years ago…it is one of those smiling memories that stays in the heart.  I hope we make more of those good memories this year when we celebrate your anniversary. Being married for fifty years is no small thing.  What a lovely example for the kids and grandkids.  Thank you for a great son-in-law and thank you for loving Kim and the kids so generously.  So glad our paths have intersected this way.

May the Lord bless your future with good health and more delightful memories in your treasure chest of life. Happy Anniversary,

Jan Van Horn (Jeff’s mother-in-law)

Mr and Mrs Doyle,

Congratulations on reaching such a momentous occasion in your lives.  In a time that does not see many marriages last as long as yours, it is only right to celebrate it with you.  I believe that God has blessed not only your family with such a strong union, but He has allowed you to bless many lives over the years.  It was your support, leadership, and love that gave me and my family a wonderful experience in Scouting while in Salisbury.  Many lessons learned while with you are still with me this day as I near my retirement as a US Army officer.

Thank you, and Congratulations.  Many blessings to you both.

Charles Hiter (Boy Scout under Dad)

Growing up, I think the home I spent the most time in other than my own was that of the Doyles, where I always felt much more than welcome. I can remember many game nights in which both of our families laughed a lot and just had fun. Joanne is one of the kindest people I’ve met, and I have many fond memories of when Jim was our Scoutmaster, always equal parts prankster and leader of young men. Happy, happy 50th anniversary!

Keith Demko (Jeff’s friend)