Feedback from Classes

I just wanted to say a few things. I enjoyed your class so much that I didn’t want to leave today. It is overall my favorite class that I have ever taken. I didn’t know much about myself, but I learned a lot over the course of the semester. I also wanted to thank you for being flexible. I know I came to you with a lot of problems, but you never failed to assure me that it was okay and you understood. It was a very difficult semester for me, but this class always put me in a better mood and I honestly enjoyed attending. Thank you for being a such great professor and genuinely caring for our well-being. I hate that it has come to an end. I wish I could be in this class forever.

Thank you for all you’ve been able to do for me through the two semesters I’ve had you. Even the small encouraging comments on my discussion submissions have impacted me in such a huge way. I have been able to apply so much of what I’ve learned from this class in my personal life which has really helped me begin to develop a healthy mindset. I am very grateful for the time you devote to forming relationships with your students. Please know that you are making a massive impact on a lot of students. One does not simply forget a professor like you!! So to that, I say thank you- from the bottom of my heart.

You talked in class about liking hearing about student’s growth, and this is exactly what I would like to share with you! To start, I wanted to say thank you so much for teaching this course this semester. I have learned so much from you about the truths of being a true leader, and I have enjoyed attending class and hearing from the TA’s and guest speakers as well. You showed to me how a relationship between a teacher and their students could be, and I have so much respect for the effort that you put into connecting with each and every one of us. I am very glad that I could take this course as a sophomore as I feel like it gives me a good foundation to continue learning more on leadership in the future. Thank you for your exciting course which taught me about the importance of good and Christian leadership. I will keep your advice and your positive spirit in my memory. Once again, thank you so much for being an amazing teacher every step of this course. You were patient with me through having COVID, strep, being quarantined three times, and the mental battles I was going through that you had no way of knowing were present.

I hope this email finds you well! I recently received the news that Dr. Doyle’s MGT 3305 class would not be offered next semester, and I thought that the least I could do after all Dr. Doyle has done for me is to take a minute to share with you a bit about my experience with his class and how it has impacted me in my time at Baylor in hopes that you might respectfully reconsider offering Dr. Doyle MGT 3305 this next semester.  Initially, as I was choosing a professor for MGT 3305, I was hesitant to choose Doyle’s class because I couldn’t find any reviews about him or people who had taken his class to ask questions to. I was planning to take 19 hours that semester and was looking for a manageable class in which I could still learn. Dr. Doyle’s class proved to be just that.

From the beginning of our class, Dr. Doyle emphasized that effort would be the determining factor of success in his class rather than talent. He promoted success for every student and suggested that each and every person was only competing against themselves and no one else. This was the first thing that was unique about his class as I had never had a class like that before. This class format with discussion-based and hands-on learning took away the pressure of performance and allowed us all to just learn. Dr. Doyle’s class was the first class in which I knew the name of every student in my class as well as was encouraged to get to know my peers outside of the classroom setting. He truly fostered an environment of collaboration, learning about ourselves and how to interact with others, and how to lead in practical ways. I could not imagine a better way to learn management than to learn about leading with our head, leading with our hands, and leading with our hearts, as we did in Doyle’s class every Monday and Wednesday. I typically despise the flipped classroom approach but in Dr. Doyle’s class, I actually found it to be incredibly beneficial to listen to lectures from experts on every topic and then discuss together in class. Dr. Doyle emphasized the fact that each of these lectures he assigned us featured individuals with insight on topics that he was still a learner in as well and this fostered healthy discussion and debate in our class as we learned together. I found myself looking forward to MGT every day even though it was the last class of the day and I was ready to go home.

Overall, I can confidently say that MGT 3305 with Dr. Doyle built a solid foundation in my life for knowing how to lead and manage others that also provided me with invaluable character skills that will drive me further than any textbook material I could ever memorize. My interactions with others in that class as well as the TA’s and Dr. Doyle’s desire to actually know me and guide me in my professional and personal journey made an unforgettable difference on my life, and I implore you respectfully to allow others the same opportunity that I had. I am sure that there are a plethora of qualified, impressive candidates in line to teach this class, but in my opinion, Dr. Doyle’s authenticity, personability, and enthusiasm cannot be replaced!

I heard that Baylor is shifting their approach to hiring and staffing when it comes to full time and adjunct professors, and I would like to share with you my experience in Dr. Doyle’s Management 3305 class. Dr. Doyle’s Leadership and Organizational Behavior class has been one of the most impactful courses that I have taken at Baylor. If you take nothing else away from this email, please know that Dr. Doyle is genuine, great at fostering meaningful and insightful conversation and learning in his class, and making students feel welcomed and cared for. Throughout my time in his course, I was able to grow in my self confidence, and learn more not only about myself, but about how to be a better leader, friend, and man of God. Dr. Doyle created an environment centered on conversation, getting to know our classmates, and helping each other to see different viewpoints from our own. Without this, I know for a fact that I would not have been able to consider some of the viewpoints that we discussed in class, much less have been convinced of my own flaws in my personal reasoning. These conversations, while uncomfortable at times, didn’t shy away from important issues, and helped us to come together on some of the more polarizing topics, some being race, gender, equal pay in the business world, etc.

       Dr. Doyle made the classroom a place where we could come together to learn about other peoples’ experiences, and life goals. He organized numerous guest speakers to speak with the glass and engage us on some of these aforementioned topics. These were truly impactful teaching sessions, and really helped me to see the issues in a non-political way, through the lens of these amazing individuals. Without Dr. Doyle, I may not have had access to these speakers, and their stories. I am truly grateful for all of these experiences, and what I could take away from these days.

       Dr. Doyle didn’t halt his generosity and caring at the academic material, he always made an effort to make students feel welcomed, seen, and cared about. He even brought some of each student’s favorite snacks as a “birthday gift,” to make the students get excited to come to class. The semester I was in his class, I was faced with some serious medical issues, which really took a toll on me, and my quality of life at times. In a one-on-one meeting outside of class, I discussed this with Dr. Doyle, and he lended a sympathetic ear, and really encouraged me not only in a motivational way, but made me feel cared for, and heard, something that had a large impact.

You have my honor, loyalty, and respect forever. I indebted to you for the enlightenment you’ve bestowed upon me, the opportunities you’ve presented, and the open heart and listening ear. You are a great person and mentor. Thank you.

I am a 25-year-old Psychology Graduate from Germany who studied one semester abroad at Baylor University in the Fall of 2019. I had the privilege to get to know Dr. Doyle as my Professor in my Leadership and Organizational Behavior course. Prof. Doyle was a very committed and enthusiastic professor who put the debate among us students at the center and constantly encouraged us to find the best arguments. His course was very innovative and structured with few frontal classes. In his course, I experienced a close integration of theory and practice and was able to contribute my knowledge in the form of case studies and establish contacts with representatives from the business world. In addition to guest speakers from the business world, we visited various inspiring places in Waco every week, such as museums, improv theatres or companies, to do exercises such as public speaking or negotiation training, all with the aim of putting theory into practice. Mr. Doyle was always keen to get us out of our comfort zone and to develop our potentials and leadership skills, but at the same time to work on our weaknesses, to become empathic leaders. I would like to thank Prof. Doyle who always had an open ear for me as a mentor, both in and out of the classroom, regarding my further path in life. Even after I left Baylor, he supported me in pursuing my goals (e.g., through letters of recommendation for graduate school). Dr. Doyle is a leader, a leader who is an asset to any organization. It has been my privilege to have taken classes with him and I thank him for inspiring me to always pursue my goals, no matter how difficult they may seem.

I greatly appreciate your kindness. I wanted to thank you for being there when I need wise words of encouragement and advice. You are greatly admired. (now a doctor)

I want to thank you for your time and sweet, sweet words. I have been humbled by the support you have shown me these past semesters. Thank you.

Thank you for your leadership. I learned a lot of valuable information that is applicable to the real world. I appreciate all of your understanding and patience as it really made a positive impact on my learning.

It meant so much to me to have a teacher who cared so much about me. Thank you. (now a doctor)

You have been a true inspiration to all of us. Thanks for your great insight into leadership. (now a doctor)

Professor Awesome, I admire your understanding and appreciate your ability to listen to difficult ideas without objecting too quickly.

I truly enjoyed your class and I strongly believe you are the best leadership professor there is. What I appreciate most is your genuineness and how much you want us to succeed. God bless you. 

Thanks for being the most incredible professor ever, your compassion and patience were awesome. 

I am nominating Dr. Doyle for this Outstanding Teaching Award and I believe he is more than worthy of it. The way in which he incorporated his interest in the well being of students in his class was truly remarkable. He showed a true concern for the education of students in his class and he struck me as the true epitomy of a teacher. He challenged his class more than most teachers but I sincerely appreciated the challenges. He was a thoughtful grader and valued strong writing integrated with a genuine interest in our topic. I always got the feeling that I was the only one in his class because the time and effort he devoted to me, as well as my classmates. He is a thoughtful and intelligent professor and I give him the credit for my academic turnaround because he pushed me to find interest in my education that had previously bored me, to be honest. He is a great professor and is deserving of this wonderful award.

You are so cool!! You always encourage me and my fellow Chinese students. We gained a lot of confidence because of you!!! If you ever come to China, please call me.

There’s no words to express my gratitude and reverence for you and your excellent teachings and wisdom. You have given me the opportunity to fully discover who I am as a leader and a person. Whoever is blessed to take your class has a wonderful experience and are enlightened about themselves as well.

You made my leadership class a real pleasure. The discussions we’ve had have been really meaningful and interesting, even when students in the class got heated. Thanks for being such a joy to listen to and learn from. This has been my favorite Baylor class by far!

Thanks for all that you have taught me this year. I am appreciative of what you do every day to teach us about ourselves and the leaders we are. (now a doctor)

I have really enjoyed being in your class this semester. There was never a dull moment and you worked to make our class interesting. I am blessed to have had you as a professor.

I loved everything about this class!!! I learned more about myself, leadership, others.

Dr. Doyle is such an amazing professor and great person. When I was sick, he would ask if I’m feeling better of if he could do anything to help me. He really cares about students and wants the absolute best for us.

Overall this was a wonderful class and our discussions were so beneficial. I learned more from this class than any other class I have had in life.

Dr. Doyle is an amazing professor, teacher, and human. He teaches this class with a lot of grace and makes management a topic of interest to everyone in the class. He is one of the best professors that Baylor has. 

I loved taking this course. This course was very different than any course I have ever taken, and it has changed my perception and made me think more thoughtfully about many key issues on leadership.

Dr. Doyle created a family within our class – this was very beneficial to me. He taught in a very relatable and conversational way that made everyone in the class join in on the learning.

Dr. Doyle made the effort to get to know everyone in the class and actively encouraged us to get to know each other.

I learned more from this class than any other and we didn’t have any quizzes or tests. We didn’t have any test anxiety. Students came to class ready and eager to learn and discussion the week’s topics.

Dr. Doyle is one of the best professors I have had at Baylor. I wish all my professors cared and taught in the encouraging way that he did.

Dr. Doyle was an amazing professor who made an effort to learn our life stories, our personalities, and a myriad of other factors about each one of us. He created an environment where you are truly friends with each of your classmates.

I loved this course and highly recommend taking it. Dr. Doyle is a great mentor.

I found myself looking forward to this class by the end of the school day. He really helped everyone become friends with each other, something I have never experienced in any other class.

Dr. Doyle is a really genuine man who really does care about the content and his students – this is abundantly clear.

Dr. Doyle is a great leader which makes his teaching most effective. I learned so much from listening to him and observing him.

I enjoyed Dr. Doyle’s class because he made us get uncomfortable. He taught us how to present in front of an audience. He taught us that being vulnerable is normal and allows relationships to grow.

Dr. Doyle is an amazing teacher who was so relatable. He never acted like he was better than us and I really respect that.

Dr. Doyle is the bomb!!! He is a very intentional instructor; passionate for providing a meaningful class for his students.  

Dr. Doyle is like Chuck Norris, but 100X better. He is so wonderful, caring, and awesome! He remembered details about every student in the class and offered great advice.

Dr. Doyle has compassion and dedication for each one of us to excel. He was very fair and genuine. He is so passionate and wise. He made our class into a family that supported each other. 

Dr. Doyle did everything he could to help us as students. His willingness to give was extraordinary. He really wanted us to succeed in anything we decided we wanted to do. His passion is encouraging and his assignments were eye-opening. His is one of the best professors I have ever taken.

Dr. Doyle lived out everything we learned in this class so it was easy to be interested and trust him. He taught us how to be leaders of character and encouraged us to learn to serve others in our lives.

Dr. Doyle was so personable that we got to see that he was applying everything that he was teaching us in his life. He used a wide array of teaching approaches that increased our learning.

Dr. Doyle is an amazing professor who truly cares about the success of his students and gives them every opportunity to succeed. Everyone should learn how to teach class like Dr. Doyle.

Dr. Doyle truly cares about his students and their ability to learn. Much of what we read and learned in our class on how to teach effectively, Dr. Doyle has already integrated in his course and syllabus. No matter what he is going through, he puts others first. For example, on the first day of class he collects every students’ favorite songs, snack, and their birthday. On their birthday or half birthday he gives plays their favorite songs before class and gives them their favorite snack in the class. 

You have always been concerned with my growing and development at Baylor. I am honored to have this opportunity to be your student. Thanks for all your concern and help.

You are the cat’s pajamas. Having your class to begin my week is definitely what makes my time at Baylor BEARable. Thank you so much for showing us so much respect and taking our experiences into consideration. You’re a constant remember for me of how a Godly man should act and love.

Thank you for the time, care, and genuine interest you’ve taken in each of your teaching assistants. You’ve made a significant impact on each of us. Thank you for sharing honestly with us. 

Thanks for filling out an evaluation for me to attend Medical School. I learned much from all of the things that we have discussed in class. I was really blessed to take your class and I have encouraged all my peers to take your class in the future. (now a doctor)

I took Dr. Doyle’s management class last year, and it has been one of the most influential and important classes I have taken so far throughout my time at Baylor. It is unlike a typical class because of how much Dr. Doyle truly cares for his students and their futures. I experienced so much self-discovery through this course and I am incredibly thankful for the things Doyle taught us. We learned how to be leaders and this will stick with me for the remainder of my time at Baylor and into my career. I hope that you will see how much Doyle has done for his students and the impact he has on this school.

I would like to share with you my experience in Dr. Doyle’s Management 3305 class. Dr. Doyle created an environment where all students were able to engage and form relationships with one another. He encouraged collaboration and helped foster crucial life skills like empathy, kindness, and leadership. It was in this class that I really got to know my peers who I had been in class with for two years, and I’ve found many lifelong friends I did not know before. Dr. Doyle made it a point to get to know all of his students on a personal level. He knew everyone by name and remembered things they had shared in discussions or assignments.

From this class, I learned a variety of things such as conflict resolution, stress management, and problem-solving. He taught the class in a way that was highly interactive and even the quietest of students had found their voice at the end of the semester. This class was one of my favorite classes last semester and Dr. Doyle has left a lasting impact on my life. He leads well and truly cares about his students. I felt seen in his class in a way that I had not felt seen at Baylor before, and I know even now if I am struggling with anything I can reach out to him and he will make time to talk to me although I am no longer his student.

I just wanted to let you know how impactful MGT 3305 and Dr. Doyle have been to my college experience. Dr. Doyle has been the only professor of mine who has truly prioritized group collaboration and current affairs into developing leadership skills. Over the course of the semester, we had talked about racial bias, leadership development, gender roles/stereotypes, and so many more useful conversations. In this class, I was also able and encouraged to become more confident in myself and my capabilities through class engagement. I know there are a lot of impactful courses at Baylor, but I cannot stress enough how big of a difference this class and Dr. Doyle made in my life. 

I would like to share with you my experience in Dr. Doyle’s Management 3305 class. Throughout this class, I was not only was able to learn so much about leadership and the effect my communication and actions can have on others, but thanks to Professor Doyle I also made amazing connections with my classmates during the height of the pandemic. In a time that so many students felt alone Professor Doyle made class fun and a place that we all felt comfortable sharing personal issues we were facing, where he then prayed for each one of us. Throughout the semester it was very clear to see the love that Professor Doyle has for Baylor and the students that he is able to impact. 

While I am not currently enrolled in his class anymore I have seen everyday the effect that his class has on my personal life as well as my academic and professional life. I am constantly thinking back to everything I learned throughout his class and will be forever thankful I was able to have him as a professor during my time at Baylor. 

While I’m sure you know he’s a great person and professor, I just wanted to express my appreciation and feelings about the impactful and genuine person that Professor Doyle is and the gratitude that many students have for him and the change he has made in our lives. 

I took Dr. Doyle’s class (Management 3305) last fall and had the opportunity to return in the spring as a TA. I wanted to take a moment to share with you the ways that Dr. Doyle’s class has had an impact on me and my experience at Baylor.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to become a part of the Baylor family as a transfer student last fall. Coming to a new school in the middle of covid and having the majority of my classes online or hybrid made it difficult to make connection with others. Even with classes in person we were socially distanced, and everyone was wearing masks. It’s hard to make connection when you’re in a new environment and you can’t smile at the person sitting next to you. Dr. Doyle’s class was fully online for me, however that was the class that I formed the most friendships from. The online discussions and break out rooms that we had in his class encouraged us to get to know one another. A few of the friends I made that first semester and the following semester are still my closest friends today. Not only did the format of the class allow me to form connection with my peers but the knowledge that I gained from that course is beyond anything I’ve gained in another course at Baylor. I can honestly say that Dr. Doyle’s class has been impactful beyond what I learned in the classroom, but it also encouraged me to learn things about myself that I do not think I would have learned otherwise. It even gave me the courage to change my major and doing so made me more excited about my future than I ever had been.

Having been in this class for two semesters, I have noticed a resounding theme of students who genuinely look forward to coming to class. Something that always stood out to me about the class was the way that Dr. Doyle intentionally ties biblical truths into his teachings. Though not every student is a believer, I think that this is an important aspect of the class. Something that we are deeply taught as students is business ethics, but I think that in order to apply ethical ways, we also need to have morals that align with what is ethical. Dr. Doyle’s class always challenged me to apply the character of Christ in my leadership.

Something that is unique to his course is the way in which he challenges students to think. Clearly all courses include thinking, however I love the discussion format in Dr. Doyle’s class, we are presented with an idea and are given the opportunity to take the discussion wherever we want. The discussions allow for creativity and insight, I also think that each student was able to learn a lot about their peers in the discussion boards. Students have the ability to bring new ideas to the table or talk about their own experiences. We all learn about each other and are given a platform to voice our insights, I think that this also added to my ability to connect with my peers because I felt as though I knew each person so well.

I greatly appreciated the way Dr. Doyle formats class. Since he integrated the flipped classroom approach, digesting the content before class and participating in a discussion board, not only helped with in class discussion but also allowed me to come to class feeling prepared. I really do believe that the style in which his class was laid out helped me retain the information further than I do in other courses. I also think that the style in which he conducts class enhances the class. The open discussion in class and the activities that we do in order to apply what we are learning also helped me retain the concepts and skills I was learning. I also think it is important that the class format gives students the ability to be heard. Class is an open discussion and Dr. Doyle encourages students to speak, welcoming any ideas that students have. This discussion format is something that I think is important because each student may bring a new insight to the discussion, this allows for us to see so many points of view and understand how others think.

Dr. Doyle and his class has truly been the MOST impactful class I have taken in the business school and this is due solely to fact that Dr. Doyle was the one teaching it. His lessons and guidance impacted me way beyond the classroom and have been the reason I have landed many internship and full-time offers from multiple companies. What learned in his class prepared me for interviews and professional development, way beyond what the Career Center has taught me.

The Career Management class that business student are FORCED to take has done little to prepare me for the real world, but the experiences, speakers, and lessons I learned in Dr. Doyle’s class have truly made me confident not only in my career in Human Resources, but also in the job seeking process.

Having difficult class discussions on vulnerability to gender and race issues in the work place, are conversations that are important to have, but rarely happen in the Baylor Business School. Dr. Doyle has led these conversations courageously and has successfully started these conversations, making young business professionals aware of societal issues in the current workplace.

I also had the unique opportunity to serve as a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Doyle last semester for his MGT 3305 class, which gave me the unique experience of having deeper conversations on leadership and management, but also gave me the experience of leading class discussions and creating leadership experiences that prepared me for the real world.

I wish every student in the business school had the same experience that I did in MGT 3305. Sadly, these amazing lessons and experiences were solely due to the fact that Dr. Doyle was teaching it. As I love being a management major, Dr. Doyle has been the most thoughtful and caring professor I have ever had.

As I took Dr. Doyle’s class, I thought that many of the different topics we learned about and projects we did were interesting, however I did not realize how greatly they would impact me until I began applying for internships. I quickly noticed how applicable everything I had learned in Dr. Doyle’s class is. As I was taking time to network with people and apply for internships, I constantly found myself referencing assignments that I had done for his course. I was able to reference back to my core values and my strengths as I was preparing to articulate why I was a good candidate. I was also able to voice how my mission statement aligned with different company’s mission statements in interviews. Had I done these interviews prior to taking that class I am not sure if I would have landed as many offers as I did. His class taught me a lot about myself that I hadn’t noticed before and gave me a lot to speak on as I went through interviews. Something that also helped me stand out as an applicant, was being able to speak about my experience leading two of Dr. Doyle’s classes as a TA. I really appreciated Dr. Doyle giving me the opportunity to lead two classes, it taught me a lot about effective teaching and encouraged me to think deeper about how to present in a way that people will actual understand what I am trying to convey.

This summer as I was doing my internship, the company I was working for had an educational requirement through their company platform. As I made my way through different courses, I noticed how similar they were to the content that I had learned in Dr. Doyle’s class. His style of teaching and the content he teaches is applicable in so many areas beyond the class. It is by far the class that I have been able to take the most out of and apply in other areas of my life. It has also taught me more about myself and has helped guide me throughout my time at Baylor. I truly believe that more students should have the opportunity to take Dr. Doyle’s class. His class is by far the class that I recommend the most to my peers and I wish every student in the business school had the opportunity take. I also believe that the way in which he conducts class allows for students to bond unlike they could in any other class. More than the class itself, Dr. Doyle is someone who truly wants to see students succeed. His willingness to support students and help give them resources is a testament to how he strives to serve like Jesus. He has been a huge resource for myself, as I voiced my concerns of possibly changing my major, Dr. Doyle challenged me to speak with individuals in other majors and explore my options. More than just challenging me to do so, Dr. Doyle gave me contacts of alumni and staff who I could speak with. Having those meetings gave me the insight I needed to figure out what I truly wanted to pursue and without Dr. Doyle’s guidance I could possibly still be majoring in something that I was unexcited about. If you take anything from this email, I just want to share how this class has impacted me and I am sure there are many students like me who feel the same. If you would like to meet sometime so I can share more about my experience I would love to!

You have been one of my most impactful teachers so far in my college career and I truly appreciate your guidance.