Feedback from Direct Reports at Baylor and Shenandoah

Comments collected from direct reports through a leadership coaching process:

  1. Extremely intelligent
  2. Idea machine
  3. Hires strong people
  4. Accepts objective feedback
  5. Gathers and shares information
  6. Is transparent
  7. Genuinely cares about others
  8. Very thorough in his thinking process
  9. Forward thinking
  10. Notices inconsistencies quickly
  11. Does his background research
  12. Gives his colleagues regular kudos
  13. Great energy and enthusiasm
  14. Works hard

The thing I loved most about working with Jeff was that he did everything with intention. His practice was backed by theory. There wasn’t a night that would go by where he wouldn’t be reading something to inform his practice. He also encouraged his staff’s professional development…it was an expectation to learn and grow. Jeff leadership was deeply rooted in vision and values. Being on his team was one of the most fulfilling times in my career.

I am still amazed by how much I have learned and grown in such a short period of time. Thank you for believing in me and challenging me this year. It could have been so easy for you to give me meaningless tasks, and focus on other things besides me. I really appreciate all the time you took to find projects that would interest me, but also push me out of my comfort zone. I came into this position with very little professional experience and now my resume looks dramatically different. I have you to thank for this. You have helped me grow professionally, spiritually, and personally this year, and that will stay with me through my future endeavors. Thank you again for everything.

I am truly blessed to have crossed paths with you, if only for a short time. There will be many I will miss when I’m gone from Baylor, but none more than working with and for you and your team.

Our department would not be what it is today without your leadership. Our growth and strength is from your guidance and support.

To you I attribute so many learning opportunities under your leadership the past three years. You challenged and coached me; you supported and mentored me amidst your busy schedule and multifaceted responsibilities. This means a lot to me. Thank you for trusting me, asking me to take on diverse projects with which I stumbled. You modeled being a practitioner-scholar while keeping your faith and family prioritized.

Thank you for your support and leadership. I’m grateful for the way you care and show your authenticity. Thanks for all you do to help us be successful in our work.

Thank you for all the years of support, challenge and grace. So glad and grateful to have worked with you.

I am grateful for our time together. Your constant support, prayers, and authentic care has been meaningful to me and our entire team.

I’m so grateful for your leadership and friendship. You inspire me on how you order your life.

Jeff can always explain why a decision is made. I feel comfortable telling him anything, good or bad! If Jeff says he will do something, he does it. I have never seen him stressed and am not sure how he does it. He is always available to help and supportive, even if I know he does not always agree. Jeff is always checking in on how I am doing and offering suggestions on how I can grow professionally. Overall, Jeff is open, compassionate, understanding, and leads by example. He knows that we have lives outside of work.

Jeff’s door is always open to listen to his staff. Three of best words to describe Jeff are trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. He works under immense pressure but handles it very well. Jeff always has suggestions for making my job easier and more productive. Jeff set clear expectations at the beginning of the year for staff and dealt with within staff problems efficiently and professionally. I feel Jeff is as interested in me personally as he is professionally. Jeff provides significant autonomy to each staff member to lead in the manner best suited to them.

Jeff’s decisions are well thought through after all information has been considered. Jeff is even-tempered all the time. Jeff always responds within 1 day to an issue; usually he responds the same day. Jeff is sensitive to the needs of others Jeff encourages both personal and professional growth and is eager to help wherever needed. 

Jeff is always calm and composed and very reliable and trustworthy. He is easy to find in his office and responds quickly to issues. I am often asking Jeff for suggestions when working with difficult situations. Jeff encourages me to speak up more. Jeff is dedicated to higher education and always looking for ways to help Shenandoah ahead of the status quo. 

Jeff is fair and seeks my input. He is very organized and knowledgeable. He provides slack when I am stressed and I feel like I can talk to him about many things. 

Ever since I started working for you, I have never felt out of place on the team. You have made me feel part of the group from the beginning. Your kindness has made me feel at home at Shenandoah. Thank you again for making me feel at home.