Feedback from Student Leaders

  1. Your support and guidance through the graduate school application process has meant so much to me. Thank you for being so willing to help and for being such an inspiration for me. One of my biggest hopes is to be able to impact students in the same way that you have impacted me. Your help means the world to me. Student Body President
  2. Thank you for your guidance and leadership while I’ve been at Baylor. We couldn’t led our organization without your help. Thank you for being a Godly example of a leader and sharing your life lessons in our leadership class. I hope to continue to use your lessons in the future. Thanks for being willing to help me with finding a job and all that you have done for me and other students. Student Foundation Co-President
  3. Thank you so much for all of your guidance and being such a great role model this year. I learned so much from getting to work with you and I can already tell I will be a better professional because of our interactions. I remember talking to you late in the night before College Gameday and then watching you walk around and pass out pizzas to students. By seeing that, I learned that I have to be passionate about the students and their success is your motivation. One day, I hope that I am able to pour into as many students and empower them, just as I have seen you do countless times this year. Student Government President
  4. Thanks for being such a great leader and teammate on our mission trip. You were always willing to step up and take control when needed and relinquish it when needed. I’m glad I was able to see how relational you are as we got to know each other as a team. You really more of a friend than supervisor in Ghana. Your attitude toward the kids and the smiles you put on their faces made me happy. You truly inspired me to try and keep on trying even when I knew nothing. Thank you for being Awesome. International Trip Leader
  5. While at Baylor University, I had the privileged of working directly under Dr. Doyle in leadership positions, being taught in a leadership course, and supervised in a mission trip abroad between the years of 2014 through 2017. My interaction with Dr. Doyle was always a positive one and throughout the years of knowing each other, Dr. Doyle took on a mentorship role with me where we would meet regularly and discuss various topics concerning my life and career. Dr. Doyle has always supported and encouraged me and helped me along the way whenever I sought guidance. I highly recommend him! International Trip Leader
  6. Thank you for your support during Homecoming 2016. Thank you for taking the time to care for our organization and the students that are part of it. We would not be able to put on such successful events without your support. Chamber of Commerce President
  7. Words fail me, but you didn’t – thank you for all you’ve done this semester. I appreciate your wisdom and kindness. I am most grateful for your time, encouragement and support for me and our organization. Thank you for always reminding me and challenging me to lead from my faith – truly I have been blessed to know you. Chamber of Commerce President
  8. Thank you very much for meeting with me to go over my graduate school application progress so far. Thanks also for speaking truth to me and encouraging me to seek the Lord’s plans for me. I am so grateful for the time, advice, and wisdom you’ve given to me. Student Government leader
  9. As the first professor of my college career, I appreciate the great support you have given me in each of the endeavors I have faced. Your leadership class and the great opportunities you have given me have increased my self-confidence and leadership skills. Living Learning Center program leader
  10. Thank you for your hard work and loyalty to Student Government. You continually put up with us and you have unending patience. You are so respected by our team and it has been our honor to work with you. Student Government Class Officers
  11. I met Dr. Doyle during my senior year at Baylor.  He showed personal interest in me despite my status as a student and he as the Dean of Students for Baylor.  As I graduated and began working for Baylor, I would run into Dr. Doyle from time to time and he always remembered who I was and gave me the time of day.  During my time at Baylor, I have always respected Dr. Doyle as a colleague and friend. Student Orientation Leader and Tour Guide
  12. I had the privilege of having Dr. Doyle two times. Once in the management leadership class and once as a teaching assistant for the class the following semester. Dr. Doyle is a great professor who cares about his students. It showed not only in his class but also outside of classes where you were free you go to office hours or email him just to make a connection. His class was my favorite one because not only did it teach me things, but it also put me outside of my comfort zone. As a teaching assistant I was tasked with teaching two classes and with Dr. Doyle’s mentorship as well as adequate preparation, I felt prepared on my presentation days. His mentorship skills and love for God and his students are really what made the class one of the best I’ve had at Baylor. Dr. Doyle is a great leader and mentor and would be wonderful for any sort of leadership position because he truly cares about everything and everyone. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  13. Dr. Doyle was the most influential professor I had at Baylor University. Going to his class was always the highlight of my week and every class I was completing engaged from start to finish. Everything he taught me inside the classroom has led me to be the leader I am today at Baylor and prepared me to lead others in my life after Baylor. Dr. Doyle made our class feel like a family and he went out of his way to support every single student in more ways than one. As a student, I know Dr. Doyle cares about me and wants to see me grow academically, professionally, spiritually, and personally. This impacted my time at Baylor in such a positive way and my academic career here would not have been the same without his class. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  14. I interned for Dr. Doyle as a Senior at Baylor University as Dean for Student Learning and Engagement and took his Organizational Behavior course. Dr. Doyle is a dedicated servant leader who invests in the lives of his students and pushes them to newer heights. Dr. Doyle invested a great deal in me and helped me decide to pursue my goals in higher education which ultimately led me to pursue a law degree. In his time as Dean for Student Learning and Engagement, I saw Dr. Doyle take on several tasks impacting a campus of 20,000 plus students. Dr. Doyle strove to create a welcoming environment and a sense of belonging for students and alumni; I believe he was very successful. When you come to Baylor, you become a part of a family spanning a rich history of over 200 years. I saw Dr. Doyle play an essential role in furthering the spirit of tradition and community, which we call the Baylor Line. Baylor Intern for Dean
  15. I hope this email is in no way out of line or unprofessional, but I was praying earlier today and God laid it on my heart to send you a word of encouragement. I know you have a strong character and incredible opportunity to bless others in your leadership role. Thank you for your support and encouragement that I always receive from you. Appalachian student leader
  16. I wanted to take the time to say thank you. I really appreciate you being a mentor. Even though I was sad to see you leave Appalachian, it really means a lot that you have kept in touch. I will always remember how you still believed in my passion, even after a few bumps in the road. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Appalachian student leader
  17. I am nominating Dr. Doyle for this award because he is a great leader. He is an entertaining educator who sometimes even reads children’s books to us to bring home a point. He is very personable and makes an effort to get to know all of his staff and students. He also sends out emails regularly to recognize staff members and students’ effort and hard work. Thanks for all your guidance Dr. Doyle. Your vision is truly unique and it speaks volumes for how you support others. Shenandoah Student Government President
  18. Thank you so much for your support and words of wisdom, as well as your counsel this past year. You really did help me to example my life along the way. You are such a blessing and I am honored to have met you. Shenandoah University Student Body President
  19. I appreciate you for inviting us in to your home along with all the other awesome things you have done. You take an obvious interest in all of us and that means a lot to me. This is you…”If anyone gives a cup of cold water (or ice cream!) to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, he will certainly not lose his reward” Eastern Mennonite student leader
  20. You are one of the few who I credit with my Baylor experience being remarkable. I learned so much about leadership from our  times talking, whether regarding Student Foundation or the leadership class I took, and I’m truly thankful to have met you and consider you a mentor and friend. Student Foundation Leader
  21. From a group of student leaders at Appalachian State
  • If I were in danger, I’d want you near.
  • If I won $10K, I’d give it to you to invest
  • If I didn’t think I looked nice, you would still tell me I did
  • If I was President, I’d want you as my Chief of Staff
  • If I were to play team Jeopardy, I’d want you on my team
  • If I had to make an unpopular decision, I would discuss it with you first