Feeback from Baylor Indirect Reports

  1. You’re one of the most sincere and genuine people I’ve ever met and I admire you in many ways. Thank you for your tireless work on Baylor’s behalf and for doing your best to keep the university in step with our mission. On a personal level, I appreciate the time you’ve invested in me by meeting with me regularly and inviting me to serve as a teaching assistant in your class. I’ve always appreciate the way you support my work by speaking to me staff and attending our trainings. I admire you as a professional and person and I will miss you. Baylor staff member
  2. I wouldn’t be working at Baylor without you. You were always an advocate for me and our department, and I will always be thankful for that. You’re a badass. Baylor program director
  3. I worked with Jeff in his position in Student Learning and Engagement and found him to be a creative problem solver that worked to find solutions that encouraged growth in his student leaders. I was regularly impressed with his leadership. Baylor associate professor
  4. I’m happy to recommend Dr. Jeff Doyle! Dr. Doyle was the Dean for Student Learning and Engagement while I was a Residence Hall Director (from 2012-2016). He is one of the most knowledgeable Higher Ed. professionals that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. One thing that struck me was how he showed genuine concern for his staff and the students at Baylor University. It came through in his work and care for them time and time again. He regularly shared his love for learning and he applied evidenced based research to his work within the department. Baylor academic advisor
  5. I was thinking today about thankful I am for your support and involvement with our training and staff development. Your formal speeches, your time joining us for lunches, etc. Our students are always impacted by your presence. Personally, I am grateful for your leadership, support, and encouragement. Thank you again for all you do to help create excellent learning and leadership experiences. Baylor assistant director
  6. Thank you for your leadership since arriving at Baylor. I truly believe that Baylor made a great choice in hiring you. You are doing great work and making a difference for Baylor. Baylor associate director
  7. Thank you for your leadership and support. Thanks for always challenging me to pursue new ideas and think of innovative way to support and care for Baylor students. Baylor assistant director
  8. Thank you for submitting a nomination for the award I received. I read your nomination and I was truly humbled by it. Most importantly, I wanted to thank you for opening up so many doors for me over the years. As a staff member, I felt advocated for and challenged to grow as a person and professional. Taking this job was one of the best decisions of my life and I am forever transformed by it. Thanks for inspiring me to become a better leader and for shaping my Baylor experience and professional journey in so many ways. You have had a tremendous impact on both me and my wife. Baylor is lucky to have you. Baylor hall director, now faculty colleague at another university
  9. Thank you for using your gift of administration to help guide our team, for supporting our efforts, and advocating for us. Baylor associate director
  10. Thank you for nominating me for the Baylor Plus Award. I truly appreciate you taking the time to consider me for such an honor. Your kind words meant a lot and I am forever grateful. Needless to say, I have enjoyed working under your leadership. Baylor hall director
  11. Thank you for supporting and advocating on behalf of our department on numerous occasions. We are a better department and better professionals because of you. Baylor assistant director
  12. You have been a great person for me to look up to the past five years. Thanks for recruiting me to Baylor. Baylor associate director
  13. Thanks for all the ways you support our department and me professionally. Thank you for serving as a reference for me into the doctorate program. Grateful for you. Baylor assistant director
  14. When I think of you, I think of a devoted man of character who always sincerely and genuinely cared for students. You have left your mark. Baylor coordinator
  15. I don’t have the words but thank you for EVERYTHING you’ve done. You are awesome man of character. Baylor associate director
  16. I hope you know how thankful we are for you. We are blessed daily by the way you care for our area. Baylor assistant director
  17. Your intentionality in pushing others to do their best is really a blessing to Baylor. I think you have the ability to make Baylor a greater place to work and attend as a student. Baylor staff member
  18. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you. I am extremely thankful to you for challenging me with various opportunities and giving me a shot at co-chairing a divisional committee. I also appreciate your leadership throughout the division. I hope we can stay in touch and continue to bounce ideas off of each other. Thank you for everything. Baylor coordinator
  19. I’ve always appreciated knowing Jeff. He is especially skilled at gathering data, analyzing problems and proposing solutions. He is forward-thinking and is always willing to speak the truth into situations. Baylor director of development
  20. I worked with Dr. Doyle while he served as the Chair of the ITS and University Libraries committee. He is a servant leader who cares about students and improving the services provided to them. I would describe him as a colleague who pursues excellence in everything he does. Baylor assistant director, advancement
  21. My peers and I have been reflecting on your departure from Baylor and the resounding sentiment is that you have always been a source of support and care for us. You are a champion for students, staff, and faculty. Thank you for always being so accessible and for challenging all of us with care and support. Thanks for sharing parts of your life with us in area emails and thanks for sending articles or books that you think would impact the diverse work each of us is doing. Thank you for being visible at so many Baylor events, department meetings/trainings, divisional workshops. Baylor is stronger thanks to your leadership. Baylor staff member
  22. I have truly enjoyed working under your leadership and I value your intentionality showing you cared about our department. I was amazed that you knew my top 5 strengths and how you always seem to ask the right questions. Thank you for selecting me to serve in my role. I am grateful for the ways in which you have challenged me to grow professionally. It has been an honor to work beside you. Thanks for your selfless service to Baylor and your commitment to students. You are such an inspiration to young professionals, me included. You will always have my support. Baylor staff member