College Mascots that Are Storms

  1. Lake Erie College Storm (Painesville, OH)
  2. University of New England Nor’easters (Biddeford, ME)
  3. King College Tornado (Bristol, TN)
  4. Geneva College Golden Tornadoes (Beaver Falls, PA) Interesting to note that King’s has a singular tornado vs. Geneva’s multiple tornadoes
  5. Tulsa Golden Hurricane (Tulsa, OK) – A hurricane has never hit Tulsa (& most likely never will) Why are Geneva’s and Tulsa’s mascots “Golden”?
  6. Miami Hurricanes – Whose mascot is an Ibis (bird) and therefore not pictured
  7. Texas A&M International Dust Devils (Laredo) – Dust devils are formed in fair weather on sunny and hot days
  8. Iowa State Cyclones (Ames)
  9. Mills College Cyclones (Oakland, CA) – up until 2022. Mills College was going to close until 2022 until purchased by and merged with Northeastern Univ. (Boston, MA)