Results of Jeff’s “Personality Tests”

In Summer 2024, I taught a short-course on using personality tests to improve our ability to lead. In spite of the boxes some personality types get put into by others, I generally err far on the side of transparency. That is because I admire people who are vulnerable and I don’t want to be someone who hides parts of me. Many, many people who care about me have told me to stop being so transparent, but I love people who share their true selves with me – so at this point, I am OK taking the hits from being judged. I would just ask that you reserve judgment for me, for anyone for that matter, until you truly listen to them and understand their perspective (maybe that is why one of my Character Strengths is perspective-taking.

I. Myers-Briggs or MBTI – ESTJ – Administrator, Director, Executive

  1. ESTJs “possess great fortitude, emphatically following their own sensible judgment. They often serve as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity.
  2. ESTJs “utilize their understanding of what is right, wrong, and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty and dedication, ESTJs are valued for their mentorship mindset and their ability to create and follow through on plans in a diligent and efficient manner. They will happily lead the way on difficult paths, and they won’t give up when things become stressful.
  3. ESTJs are classic images of the model citizen: they help their neighbors, uphold the law, and try to make sure that everyone participates in the communities and organizations that they hold so dear.”

II. Enneagram – 1 – The Reformer, Perfectionist, or Idealist

  1. 1s “need to live rightly, and driven by a longing for a true, just, and moral world. Type ones are loyal, dedicated, conscientious, helpful, well-balanced, and often good-humored. They are efficient, organized, and trustworthy in completing tasks.”
  2. 1’s Deepest Fear: Ones fear being “bad people,” morally flawed, or otherwise seen as imperfect. They cope with this fear by being rigidly disciplined and very hard on themselves (and often, those around them, too).
  3. 1’s Core Motivation: Ones strive to be good and honorable – and to live a life with purpose. They seek the best and most correct way to do things.

III. DISC – Directive or Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Support, ConscientiousnessI am a C – Conscientiousness – The Analysts

  1. Traits: Detached, accurate, restrained, reserved, conscientious, disciplined, analytical, logical, rational, skeptical, fact-finder, diligent, private
  2. Driven by: Accuracy, objective processes
  3. Anxieties: Being wrong, strong displays of emotion
  4. Influences others by: Logic, exacting standards
  5. In tense situations: Focuses on logic and objectivity; overpowers with logic and facts 

IV. Emotional Intelligence Test – 5 competencies

Self-awareness (The Poet), Awareness of others (The Intuitive), Empathy (The Empath), Emotional control (The Rock), and Wellbeing (The Optimist). 

V. Strengths Finder (Gallup) – 34 possible in 4 domains – below are my top 10

  1. Analytical, Context, Learner – Thinking Domain
  2. Achiever, Discipline, Focus – Executing Domain
  3. Competition, Significance – Influencing Domain
  4. Connectedness, Relator – Relationship Domain

VI. Character Strengths (VIA) – 24 possible in 6 domains – below are my top 10

  1. Learning, Judgement, Perspective – Wisdom Domain
  2. Spirituality, Hope – Transcendence Domain
  3. Leadership, Fairness – Justice Domain
  4. Perseverance – Courage Domain
  5. Love – Humanity Domain
  6. Forgiveness – Temperance Domain

VII. HEXACO – The Big 6 – Honest/Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Openness (O)

Top 9 Traits (above 90th percentile)

  1. Prudence
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Inquisitiveness
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Diligence
  6. Patience
  7. Agreeableness
  8. Flexibility
  9. Fairness

Bottom 3 Traits (below 10th percentile)

  1. Aesthetic Appreciation
  2. Sentimentality
  3. Liveliness

VIII. True Colors – 4 Colors – Green, Gold, Red, Blue – I am Gold

  1. Green – independent thinkers
  2. Gold – pragmatic planners
  3. Orange – action-oriented
  4. Blue – people-oriented.

Golds – Are dutiful and stable, Need to be useful, Want to be self-sufficient, Value organization, Desire punctuality, Schedule their lives, Make and keep commitments, Measure worth by completion, Are goal-oriented, Value rules, Prepare for the future, Are inclined to join groups, Believe work comes before play, Prefer order and cleanliness, Are responsible and dedicated, Desire structure, Bring stability to society

IX. High 5 – 20 Strengths in 4 main domains – Thinking, Doing, Influencing, Feeling

What follows are my top 4 High 5 Strengths.

Analysts get energized when searching for simplicity and clarity within a large amount of data. They become frustrated when asked to follow their heart rather than proven facts and logic.

Philomaths love learning. They explore many interests, follow new paths and acquire as much knowledge as possible. They don’t enjoy the company of so-called ‘know-it-alls’, people with little curiosity and no desire to explore new ideas.

Coaches love discovering the potential in people and supporting others’ personal growth. It’s hard for them to accept when this potential is being wasted.

Believers’ actions are driven by core values that cannot be compromised at the expense of success. Believers get drained if their beliefs and values are questioned, or if they have to do something that goes against their principles.

Deliverers follow through on their commitments and appreciate seeing how this builds more trust and respect among others. They feel terrible if promises get broken – both on the receiving and giving side.

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