“Find Your Way” College Student Coaching  

The Path to Discovering Your Strengths and Clarifying Your Career

The Challenge

Students today spend years preparing to get into the right college. Once they do, a wave of relief and excitement rushes in since the goal has been achieved. However, getting into college is just the beginning of building a complete university experience, and ultimately a career, that is rooted in students’ talents, joys, and abilities. A month or two into college most students discover they are just one of hundreds, if not thousands, of other students similar to them in academic abilities and a focus on success.

Unfortunately, now the support network of their parents, families, and friends are no longer close. Most students have a lack of confidence in how to approach faculty for help. And the fact is, very few faculty know how to help students discover their strengths and lead them to a successful career. Sadly, college faculty are equipped to teach their subject matter and receive no training or education in understanding their students nor guiding them into successful careers.

The Solution 

This is where Find Your Way steps in. The leaders of Find Your Way know and are comfortable using a myriad of self-assessment instruments to better clarify for students where their talents lie, what they are passionate about, and what they will be able to make a career doing.

The research behind Find Your Way reveals that once students know their strengths and passions, we can use these to open doors for them to college and career success.

Find Your Way is customized to each student but often includes the following topics:

  1. Starting Point
    • Building trust
    • Understanding journey so far
    • Clarifying primary needs & wants
  2. Discovering Your Strengths
    • Myers-Briggs
    • StrengthsFinder
    • Enneagram 
  3. Identifying Your Motivators
    • Identifying guiding principles
    • Clarifying vision & goals
    • Aligning life choices to motivators
  4. Confirming Your College Path
    • Clarifying majors & minors
    • Engaging in major learning activities
    • Accessing career help & resources
  5. Taking Care of Yourself
    • Personal health
    • Social health
    • Financial wellness
  6. Telling Your Story
    • Articulating your story briefly
    • Naming your specific stories of grit
    • Sharing with joy and warmth
  7. Building Your Network
    • Interested Faculty
    • Quality Friends
    • Working Professionals
  8.  Standing Out
    • Involvements in college
    • Leadership roles
    • Serving others

Coach Credentials – Jeff Doyle, Ph.D.

  1. 30-year expert in human development, constantly learning and adapting to new generations
  2. Loves helping people of all ages find their way through challenges, hopes, and dreams
  3. Has hundreds of testimonials from students and colleagues describing his impact
  4. Recognized by students as not only one of the most liked, but also learning-focused professors
  5. B.A. in biology, M.Ed. in counseling, and Ph.D. in education plus research in Medical School
  6. Expert on college students universities with over 100 presentations and 40 publications
  7. Led improvements for students totaling over $200M with 75 faculty and staff
  8. Oversaw leader training for >350 student leaders and >300 student leader employees per year 
  9. Former university dean, assistant vice president, director, faculty member at 7 universities
  10. Nationally Certified Counselor, Phi Beta Kappa, valedictorian, 7-time sports MVP, Eagle Scout

What Others Have Said about Jeff’s Help

  1. Words fail me, but you didn’t – thank you for all you’ve done. I appreciate your wisdom and kindness. I am most grateful for your time, encouragement and support for me. Thank you for always reminding me and challenging me to lead from my values – truly I have been blessed to know you.
  2. Thank you for holding me accountable when I was nearly ready to give up. You met with me one on one to help me rearrange my perspective. You were able to see beyond my present challenges. You are and will continue to make a huge positive impact on others. I hold you in the highest regard.
  3. I really appreciate your willingness to put others first, above all else. I want you to know that your dedication to others is admirable, and a model for others. You have always pushed me to be better. You never settled for what you knew was less than my best. Thank you for helping me realize my potential. With your support, I have been able to reach new heights that I did not know even existed.
  4. I have been able to apply so much of what I’ve learned from you in my personal life which has really helped me begin to develop a healthy mindset. I am very grateful for the time you devoted to forming a relationship with me. Please know that you are making a massive impact on many people. One does not simply forget someone like you!! So I say thank you- from the bottom of my heart.
  5. You built a solid foundation in my life by teaching me how to lead and providing me with invaluable character skills that will drive me further than any textbook material that I could ever learn. Your desire to actually know me & guide me in my professional & personal journey made an unforgettable difference in my life. Your authenticity, personability, & enthusiasm cannot be replaced!
  6. Your guidance impacted me way beyond a classroom and has been the reason I have landed many internship and full-time offers from multiple companies. What I learned from you allowed me to be prepared for interviews and professional training, way beyond what the career center teaches.
  7. One thing I thought about telling you is how grateful I am that even when I was struggling, you encouraged me to do my best. Without your kindness and patience, I wouldn’t have regained my motivation to try & do well. Because of your help, I have completely turned things around. Thank you
  8. You have my honor, loyalty, and respect forever. I indebted to you for the enlightenment you’ve bestowed upon me, the opportunities you’ve presented, and your open heart and listening ear. You are a great person and mentor.

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